Staff members meeting to discuss legal matters

The goal of most businesses is to grow – at least somewhat.  However, in order to grow or to be able to step away from the business for a personal life, vacation, or other ventures, you’ll need help with day-to-day operations.  If you’ve never hired someone before – or it’s been a long time – don’t worry – here’s the information you need to get started.

Comply With Federal & State Regulations

Hiring a new employee means complying with federal and state regulations.  Although the following list may seem long, it won’t be a daunting process when you have our assistance. 

Here’s an overview of what’s generally required.  You are invited to check out the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) or call our office for assistance. We commonly walk businesses like yours through the hiring process.

See the IRS Employer Tax Guide and the IRS State Government Website links for specifics.  

Be sure to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation with Business and Employment Attorney Angela Schmit to make sure you’re in federal and state compliance.  Failing to do so could result in unnecessary fines, fees, and litigation.